Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Parker clan 1956

Cousin Stephanie writes:

According to Dad [David Parker], who took the photo it is from New Years 1956, taken in the basement apartment of their house,
from L to R they are:

U. Walter, Ken, U. Charles, a piece of Sylvia (from her eyes), A. Barb, U. Roland with Paul on his knee, Patti. Sharon, Peter B, Grandma P. with baby (probably Cathy P. as it was 1956 and she was born in Oct. '56), Kathleen at the back, Alllen M., Unknown male (probably U. Bill ?) U. Ivan with A. Joan at back and David M. beside her, A. Helen, David P., back of Gary P.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cat brain inspires computers of the future

Imagine a cat, only 100 to 1,000 times slower.... Are the mice of this world scared?
They already have a pretty good foothold in computing.
Maybe we humans should be nervous, though: 
"I can imagine the Department of Defense may be interested in putting such intelligent computers on weapons or unmanned vehicles such as drones so that they can make decisions directly without having to transmitting images back to controllers and waiting for commands," Lu said.