Thursday, February 6, 2014

Startups, Tech Giants Code Human Brain (The Wall Street Journal Asia, Wed, 05 Feb 2014, Page 21)

Somewhere, in a glass building several miles outside of San Francisco, a computer is imagining what a cow looks like.
Its software is visualizing cows of varying sizes and poses, then drawing crude digital renderings, not from a collection of...

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

ALPHABETICAL: HOW EVERY LETTER TELLS A STORY (Gold Coast Eye, Sat, 01 Feb 2014, Page 17)

This is the story of the 26 letters of the English alphabet set out in 26 chapters. At first glance, perhaps not the most riveting subject matter. But don’t be fooled: it’s a gripping history, peppered with personal...

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mankind’s saving grace? (The Dominion Post, Mon, 03 Feb 2014, Page A10)

HEN Rene Descartes went to work as the tutor of young Queen Christina of Sweden, his formidable student allegedly asked him what could be said of the human body. Descartes answered that it could be regarded as a machine, whereby the queen pointed to a...

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Smarter robots leading to more ethical concerns (San Francisco Chronicle Late Edition, Sat, 01 Feb 2014, Page D1)

Now that Google is delving even deeper into artificial intelligence, the minds behind "Don't be evil" might face real questions of right and wrong.
This week the Mountain View search titan snatched up DeepMind, which develops artificial intelligence...

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School key to good health (Herald Sun, Mon, 03 Feb 2014, Page 07)

EDUCATION not only exercises the mind, it is also key to leading a healthy life, according to new University of Melbourne research.
Just one extra year of school can have a substantial effect on a person's diet, exercise and health habits later in...

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The Philadelphia Inquirer

Bud­get cuts scrubbed North­east High School's ac­claimed space re­search pro­gram. Sup­port­ers saved it.

On Mon­day — just a few weeks af­ter The In­quirer re­ported that the Philadel­phia School District's bud­get crunch had killed the trail­blaz­ing, more...

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Saturday, February 1, 2014

The £400m megamind (London Evening Standard (West End Final B), Fri, 31 Jan 2014, Page 20)

WHICH one piece of technology would Europe's most valuable artificial intelligence expert be likely to have with him at all times, I wonder? Demis Hassabis looks at me with a hint of embarrassment. "I tend to be the sort of person who waits to see how...

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