Friday, December 6, 2013
Banks Scan Trader Talk for Signs (The Wall Street Journal Europe, Fri, 06 Dec 2013, Page 1)
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Saturday, October 5, 2013
Facebook Building Major Artificial Intelligence System To Understand Who We Are
Major dollars are now being invested here, so we can assume a significant anticipated payoff in the near future. Or, it could be that the payoffs aren't clear yet, but corporate strategists don't want to take a chance on being left out of the game.
What is the catalyst? Who are the champions? Who are the new faces?
I'll be compiling items, investigating the stakes, stakeholders, and other questions in upcoming posts.
Cameron Scott, SingularityHub, "Facebook builds AI system"
Sean Coughlan, BBC News, "Existential Risk as a Global Priority"
Rip Empson, TechCrunch, "Autonomous Driving"
Ben Goertzel, IEET, "Artificial Wisdom"
Terry A. Ward, University of Iowa, "Artificial Intelligence Research: An Evangelical Perspective"
Russell C. Bjork, "Artificial Intelligence and the Soul"
Enrico Coiera, "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: An Introduction"
Jim Hendler (Steven Cherry podcast), IEEE Spectrum, "IBM's Watson Tries to Learn...Everything"
David Selinger, IT BusinessEdge, "Hill Climbing: From Artificial Intelligence to Business Intelligence"
Randall C. O'Reilly, "Biologically Based Computational Models of High-Level Thinking"
James Barat, Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era
Linear programming, applied math, axioms
The Irish Times
Oct 3 2013
ABerkeley graduate student, George Dantzig, was late for class. He scribbled down two problems from the blackboard and handed in solutions a few days later. But the problems on the board were not homework assignments; they were two famous more... - an online source of publications from around the world. The PressDisplay Service contains copyrighted material, trade marks and other proprietary information.
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You may hear this soon...
I imagine this will be extended to simultaneous voice translation.
Software to clarify speech dials up new audience (National Post - (Latest Edition), Oct 3 2013)
National Post - (Latest Edition)
Oct 3 2013
It began as a fascinating, made-in-Canada technology to render the voices of people with cerebral palsy and other speech-impeding conditions more intelligible. Now the developers of unique speech-transformation software are talking to companies more... - an online source of publications from around the world. The PressDisplay Service contains copyrighted material, trade marks and other proprietary information.
PressDisplay – Redefining the Reading Experience .
PressDisplay is a service by NewspaperDirect, Inc., 200-13111 Vanier Place, Richmond BC V6V 2J1, Canada
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Dogs love anyone who feeds them... even if it’s a robot! (Daily Mail, Sep 16 2013, Page31)
Daily Mail
Sep 16 2013
LOYALLY standing by our side through life's ups and downs, the dog is cherished as man's best friend. But it seems that a dog's love for humans might be slightly more fickle, after a study found that the animals can learn to love robots. After more... - an online source of publications from around the world. The PressDisplay Service contains copyrighted material, trade marks and other proprietary information.
PressDisplay – Redefining the Reading Experience.
PressDisplay is a service by NewspaperDirect, Inc.
NewspaperDirect, Inc., 200-13111 Vanier Place, Richmond BC V6V 2J1, Canada
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Sunday, September 15, 2013
Taking a stand for better health (The Southland Times, Sep 16 2013, Page7)
The Southland Times
Sep 16 2013
Let me start by saying I am no lifestyle activist. I'm not a fitness freak. My ambitions to single-handedly save the planet have to queue up behind my everyday problems of paying the bills and putting petrol in my car. I don't cycle to work, I don' more..., service by NewspaperDirect - an online source of publications from around the world. The PressDisplay Service contains copyrighted material, trade marks and other proprietary information.
PressDisplay – Redefining the Reading Experience .
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