Major dollars are now being invested here, so we can assume a significant anticipated payoff in the near future. Or, it could be that the payoffs aren't clear yet, but corporate strategists don't want to take a chance on being left out of the game.
What is the catalyst? Who are the champions? Who are the new faces?
I'll be compiling items, investigating the stakes, stakeholders, and other questions in upcoming posts.
Cameron Scott, SingularityHub, "Facebook builds AI system"
Sean Coughlan, BBC News, "Existential Risk as a Global Priority"
Rip Empson, TechCrunch, "Autonomous Driving"
Ben Goertzel, IEET, "Artificial Wisdom"
Terry A. Ward, University of Iowa, "Artificial Intelligence Research: An Evangelical Perspective"
Russell C. Bjork, "Artificial Intelligence and the Soul"
Enrico Coiera, "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: An Introduction"
Jim Hendler (Steven Cherry podcast), IEEE Spectrum, "IBM's Watson Tries to Learn...Everything"
David Selinger, IT BusinessEdge, "Hill Climbing: From Artificial Intelligence to Business Intelligence"
Randall C. O'Reilly, "Biologically Based Computational Models of High-Level Thinking"
James Barat, Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era
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